- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- b
The accurate time period of moon to complete one round around the earth is 27 Days, 7 Hours and 43 Minutes.
Everyday Science MCQs
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Trachoma is a disease related to:
- Heart
- Skin
- Eyes
- Legs
- c
Trachoma is a bacterium disease.
It may be causes of Blindness.
Blindness by Trachoma is irreversible.
Ozone is present in …..layer of atmosphere.
- Asia Watch
- Freedom House
- Stratosphere
- None of these
- c
There are basically four layers of Atmosphere.
Which of the following planet is nearest to Earth?
- Venus
- Mercury
- Neptune
- Marsh
- b
What is speed of Earth during revolving around the Sun?
- 1800 km/h
- 100 km/h
- 1200 km/h
- 1300 km/h
- a
Earth revolves around the Sun with the speed of 30 Km/sec.
What is chemical name of Eating Salt?
- Sodium Chloride
- Sodium Chlorate
- Sodium Phosphate
- None of these
- a
The chemical formula of Sodium Chloride is NaCl.
سورج کی روشنی میں کتنے رنگ ہوتے ہیں؟
- 2
- 4
- 5
- 7
- d
کرنٹ کا یونٹ کیا ہے ؟
- واٹ
- ایمپیئر
- جول
- اوہم
- b
پاور کا یونٹ واٹ ہے۔
ورک کا یونٹ جول ہے۔
Normal Sunlight when passed through a prism , breaks into how many colours?
- 04 Colours
- 05 Colours
- 06 Colours
- 07 Colours
- d
The most abundant element in human body is:
- Carbon
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Calcium
- b
Six elements are founded in human body, which are: