- Sugarcane
- Maiz
- Wheat
- Rice
- a
Everyday Science MCQs
All Everyday Science MCqs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded on ETEST Website. All Everyday Science MCQs are solved with complete detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
What is meant by Solstice?
- The longest night
- When sun goes through equator
- When sun reaches its maximum distance from the equator
- None of these
- c
Solstice is also date and time twice in a year.
Solstice word is also used for 21st June and 22nd December. (Shortest and longest day)
Which of the following blood group is Universal Donor?
- A
- B
- O
- None of these
- c
The only Vitamin which cannot be stored in human body is:
- A
- B
- C
- D
- c
Vitamin B-12 is a vitamin which can be store in human body.
Which part of human body is more prone to damage from the “Hepatitis Virus”?
- Heart
- Lungs
- Liver
- None of these
- c
Chronometer is used to measure:
- Time
- Earthquake
- Pressure
- Velocity
- a
It was invented by John Harrison in 1737.
Science of Human Races is called:
- Chorography
- Demography
- Anthropology
- None of these
- C
Study of Population is called Demography.
Study of Earth’s Surface is called Choreography.
Deficiency of Vitamin C in human body leads to:
- Teeth Diseases
- Skin Diseases
- Both A & B
- Nerve Diseases
- c
Deficiency of Vitamin C also causes of Skin Diseases.
Deficiency of Vitamin B is cause of Nerve Disease.
Light travels from sun to earth in:
- 699.0 Seconds
- 499.6 Seconds
- 599.0 Seconds
- None of these
- b
Ornithology is the study of:
- Birds
- Insects
- Sea Plants
- Sea Animals
- a
Planetary is the study of Plants