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- B
Islamic Study MCQs
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غزوہ احزاب کے موقع پر کس صحابی کے کہنے پر خندق کھودی گئی ؟
- عمر رضی اللہ عنہ
- سلمان فارسی رضی اللہ عنہ
- علی رضی اللہ عنہ
- عثمان رضی اللہ عنہ
- b
غزوہ احزاب یا غزوہ خندق شوال 5 ہجری کو لڑا گیا ۔یہ جنگ 27 دن تک جاری رہی۔
How many daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- b
Muhammad (PBUH) had four daughters and three sons.
Daughters names are Zainab (R.A), Ruqayya (R.A), Umm E Kalsoom (R.A) and Fatima (R.A).
Sons names are Qasim (R.A), Abdullah (R.A) and Ibrahim (R.A).
Who was first Muezzin of Islam?
- Umar (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- Hassan Bin Sabit (R.A)
- Bilal (R.A)
- d
Umar (R.A) suggested for freely Azan first.
What was strength of Muslims in Ghazwa E Badar?
- 313
- 321
- 327
- 341
- a
The strength o f Muslims was 313 and infidels were 1000.
Total 14 Muslims were Martyred in Ghazwa E Badar and 70 infidels were killed and 70 became prisoners.
What is the title of Abdullah (R.A)?
- Atique
- Lion of Allah
- Sword of Allah
- None of these
- a
Abdullah is the real name of Abu Bakkar Saddique ` (R.A).
Atique and Saddique both are titles of Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
Jami Ul Quran is the title of which Sahabi?
- Umar (R.A)
- Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- Usman Ghani (R.A)
- d
Zu Norain is also title of Usman (R.A).
Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) accepted Islam in which Hijri?
- 6 AH
- 8 AH
- 10 AH
- 12 AH
- b
The title of Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) is Saif Ullah(Sword of Allah).
What is other name of Quran?
- Al-Furqan
- Al-Huda
- Al-Kitab
- All of the above
- d
The name of Furqan is mentioned in Surah Al-Furqan of Quran Majeed.
Surah Al-Furqan is 25th Surah of Quran.
How many Pillars of Islam?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- b