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- d
Analytical Reasoning MCQs
All types of Analytical Reasoning MCQs have uploaded in this section. All Analytical Reasoning Questions are solved with detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
If the alternate letters in the alphabet starting from A are written in small and rest all in capital letters, which of the following will represent the third month after July?
- oCtObEr
- ocToBeR
- a
After July third month is October.
A are written in small and rest all in capital means oCTOBER.
Which letter will replace the question mark in following circle?
- G
- U
- V
- H
- d
E (5) + O (15) =20
D (4) + P (16) =20
K (11) + I (9) =20
L (12) + ____=20
If Bat is called Racket, Racket is called Football, Football is called Shuttle, Shuttle is called Ludo and Ludo is called Carom, What is Cricket played with?
- Racket
- Football
- Bat
- Shuttle
- c
Bat Racket
Racket Football
Football Shuttle
Shuttle Ludo
Ludo Carom
Cricket Bat
Cricket is played with Bat and Bat is called Racket.
Complete the given series: 6,13,28,_____
- 59
- 60
- 62
- 70
- a
(6*2) + 1=13
(13*2) + 2=28
(28*2) + 3=59
(59*2) + 4=122
A and B are brothers, C and D are sisters, A’s sons is D’s brother. How is B related to C?
- Uncle
- Father
- Brother
- Grandfather
- a
If A’s son is brother of D, it means D is daughter of A.
If D is daughter of A, it means C and D both sisters are daughter of A.
A and B are brothers, It means A’s children are Nephews of B and B is the Uncle of A’s children.
Chill : Cold :: ____ : _____
- Freeze : White
- Crust : Soft
- Parch : Dry
- None of these
- c
Chill is associated with Cold and Parch is associated with Dry.
Theology : Religion :: _____ : _____
- Astronomy : Stars
- Politics : Ethics
- Sociology : Individual
- None of these
- a
Theology is the study of Religion and Astronomy is the study of Stars.
Plausible : Explanation :: _____ : _____
- Gullible : Deception
- Watertight : Ability
- Attractive : Proposal
- Defensible : Theory
- d
Both analogies describe qualities that support their context.
Altimeter : Height :: _____ : _____
- Observatory : Velocity
- Speedometer : Velocity
- Racetrack : Furlong
- None of these
- b
Altimeter is used to measure Height or Altitude and Speedometer used to measure Velocity.