- Respectful
- Arrogant
- Benign
- Pious
- a
Profane گستاخ
Respectful احترام
Analytical Reasoning MCQs
All types of Analytical Reasoning MCQs have uploaded in this section. All Analytical Reasoning Questions are solved with detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Impound:
- Stimulate
- Strengthen
- Release
- Generate
- c
Imposed مسلط کیا گیا
Release رہائی
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Deplete:
- Replenish
- Renounce
- Refund
- Fulfill
- a
Deplete مکمل
Replenish بھرنے
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Denounce:
- Gather
- Flight
- Defend
- Organize
- c
Denounce مذمت کرنا
Defend دفاع کریں
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly same meaning as the given word: Ponder:
- Flattery
- Condemn
- Lake
- Think Over
- d
Ponder غور کرنا
Think Over دوبارہ سوچو
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly same meaning as the given word: Feasible:
- Factual
- Theoretical
- Real
- Practicable
- d
Feasible ممکن
Practicable قابل عمل
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly same meaning as the given word: Adjacent:
- Contiguous
- Sharpened
- Cut-Off
- None of these
- a
Adjacent ملحق:
Contiguous ملحق
Select the Pair of Words from the given options, which expresses a similar relationship as in the given words: Ounce : Weight
- Menu : Choice
- Scale : Mass
- Acre : Area
- None of these
- b
Select the Pair of Words from the given options, which expresses a similar relationship as in the given words: Telescope : Eye
- Eyeglasses : Vision
- Telephone : Hearing
- Stethoscope : Ear
- Necklace :Neck
- c
Select the Pair of Words from the given options, which expresses a similar relationship as in the given words: Atom : Microscope
- Plant : Telescope
- Tape : Microphone
- Receiver : Telephone
- Submarine : Periscope
- a