- Bisham
- Hunza
- Gilgit
- Karimabad
- a
Hunza, Gilgit and Karimabad are located in Pakistan but Bisham is village in England.
Analytical Reasoning MCQs
All types of Analytical Reasoning MCQs have uploaded in this section. All Analytical Reasoning Questions are solved with detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
If the old Man’s son is my son’s uncle then what relation has the old man to me?
- Father
- Sister
- Brother
- Grandfather
- a
My son’s Uncle is my Brother.
Therefore, My brother’s father is my father.
At the end of Conference the 10 people present all shake hands with each other once. How many hand shakes will there be altogether?
- 35
- 40
- 45
- 50
- C
A man walks 03 Kilometers to his east then turns left and walk 3 km towards North then turns left and walk 3 Km towards west.Indicate the correct direction in which he is in relation to his starting point:
- West
- South
- East
- North
- d
If P is the husband of Q and R is the mother of Q and S. What relation does R have with P?
- Sister in Law
- Mother
- Sister
- Mother in Law
- d
P= Husband of Q
R= Mother of Q & S
R = Mother in Law or P
“A” has brother “B”, “A” is son of “C”, “D” is father of “C”. What relation is “B” of “D”?
- Cousin
- Brother
- Son
- Grandson
- d
A & B = Brothers
A & B = Son of C
D is father of C
B is Grandson of D.
A is the mother of B and C. if D is the Husband of C , What relation does A have to D ?
- Aunt
- Sister
- Mother
- Mother in Law
- d
A is Mother= B & C
D is Husband = C
A is Mother in Law of D
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Profane:
- Respectful
- Arrogant
- Benign
- Pious
- a
Profane گستاخ
Respectful احترام
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Impound:
- Stimulate
- Strengthen
- Release
- Generate
- c
Imposed مسلط کیا گیا
Release رہائی
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Deplete:
- Replenish
- Renounce
- Refund
- Fulfill
- a
Deplete مکمل
Replenish بھرنے