- Windows.exe
- Win.exe
- Word.exe
- None of these
- a
Computer MCQs
Computer based MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All IT related or Computer related solved MCQs are included in this portion. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
The shortcut key for making “Bold” in PC are:
- Ctrl + B
- Alt + B
- Shift + B
- Ctrl + Alt + B
- a
You can also use B icon from toolbars for Bold any word or sentence.
Computer consists of:
- Software
- Hardware
- Both A & B
- None of these
- C
Computer has two main parts Software and Hardware.
The components of Computer which can we see only are called Software.
The components of Computer which can we touch are called Hardware.
Which of the following files have an “mpg” extension?
- Flash
- Image
- Audio
- Video
- d
“mpg” in computer terms stands for “Million Per Gallon”.
MPG file first time introduced in 1993 by Ross Quinlan.
To create a table of columns and rows for Mathematical calculation or statistical representative which program is used?
- Word Perfect
- Auto Cad
- Excel
- Word Pad
- C
Which of the following is not an operating system?
- Windows
- Linux
- Oracle
- d
A normal CD-ROM can usually store upto…..data.
- 680 MB
- 680 KB
- 680 Bytes
- 680 GB
- a
Which device is required for internet connection?
- NIC Card
- Mouse
- Modem
- c
In a computer the keyboard is used as a (an) ……. Device.
- Input
- Output
- Charging
- None of these
- a
A collection of computers that are connected together is called:
- Network
- Group
- Meeting
- Team
- a