- She said that it was my book
- She asked if that was my book
- She asked if it is my book
- None of these
- b
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Hurrah! We have got the prize. Which kind of sentence is this?
- Sentence of Request
- Exclamatory Sentence
- Interrogative Sentence
- Sentence of Order
- b
ہُرا، ہمیں انعام مل گیا۔
The officer was _____ the seat.
- In
- By
- With
- Of
- a
افسر سیٹ پر تھا۔
The leopard runs. What is runs in grammar?
- Word
- Noun
- Preposition
- Verb
- d
You can’t take hot coffee. What is hot in grammar?
- Adverb
- Noun
- Adjective
- Pronouns
- c
Synonym of “Disclose” is ____
- Reveal
- Love
- Conceal
- Resolve
- a
Disclose انکشاف کرنا
Reveal ظاہر کرنا
Synonym of “Deplete” is _____
- Reduce
- Extra
- Complete
- Increase
- a
Deplete ختم کرنا
Reduce کم کرنا
He said, “I passed the examination long ago”.
- He said I passed the examination.
- He said he had passed the examination long before.
- He said that he had passed the examination long before.
- He asked that he has passed the examination long before
- c
He said, “I shall come tomorrow”. (Change the indirect speech).
- He said that he would come the following day.
- He said that he would come tomorrow.
- He said he would come the following day.
- He said that he will come the following day.
- b
He said that he would come the next day.
Tick the correct spellings.
- Adventurous
- Adventurous
- Advanturous
- Adventerous
- a
Adventurous مہم جوئی