- with
- by
- of
- on
- a
اس نے درخت کو کلہاڑی سے کاٹ دیا۔
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
He is proud…..his riches.
- for
- on
- of
- to
- c
اسے اپنی دولت پر فخر ہے۔
The case was put…..the judge and the judge decided it within a year.
- at
- in
- from
- before
- d
مقدمہ جج کے سامنے رکھا گیا اور جج نے ایک سال کے اندر اس کا فیصلہ کیا۔
Do not take any notice……him.
- about
- of
- on
- in
- b
اس کا کوئی نوٹس نہ لیں۔
Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing…..the bad weather.
- to
- of
- about
- at
- a
بدقسمتی سے، ہمیں خراب موسم کی وجہ سے اسے منسوخ کرنا پڑا۔
It was kind …..you to help.
- on
- about
- in
- of
- d
She cares …..the environment.
- in
- of
- about
- on
- c
وہ ماحول کا خیال رکھتی ہے۔
He was embarrassed because everybody was laughing………him.
- at
- on
- in
- about
- a
وہ شرمندہ تھا کیونکہ سب اس پر ہنس رہے تھے۔
Insert the correct form of verb to complete the sentence. “He……….yesterday”.
- Came
- Come
- Comes
- Will Come
- a
’’وہ کل آیا تھا‘‘۔
Past Indefinite Tense.
Fill in the blanks by inserting appropriate preposition in the statement. “It is cool…….February”
- For
- In
- On
- With
- b
فروری میں ٹھنڈ ہے۔