- The teacher said that everyone had equal rights
- The teacher said that everyone has equal rights.
- The teacher says that everyone has equal rights
- The teacher will say that everyone had equal rights.
- b
استاد نے کہا کہ ہر ایک کو مساوی حقوق حاصل ہیں۔
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the Indirect Speech from the following: Sara said “I am happy”.
- Sara said that she was happy.
- Sara said that she is happy.
- Sara says that she was happy.
- Sara said that she had been happy.
- b
سارہ نے کہا کہ وہ خوش ہے۔
Choose the Antonym from the following: Routine:
- Custom
- Unusual
- Quick
- Habit
- b
Routine معمولات
Unusual غیر معمولی
Choose the Antonym from the following: Inactive:
- Adjacent
- Plain
- Movable
- Out of Range
- c
Inactive غیر فعال
Movable متحرک
Choose the Antonym from the following: Correct:
- Careful
- Wrong
- Constant
- Antique
- b
Correct درست
Wrong غلط
Choose the Antonym from the following: Cognizant:
- Vigilant
- Intangible
- Unwise
- Oblivious
- c
Cognizant جاننے والا
Unwise بے وقوف
Choose the Correct Option from the following: Genuine: Authentic
- Transpiration: Mirror
- Reflection: Refraction
- Mirage: Illusion
- None of these
- c
Genuine حقیقی Authentic مستند
Mirage سراب Illusion برم
This is Synonym.
Choose the Correct Option from the following: Open: Close
- Big: Cute
- Near: Far
- Walk : Feet
- Ice : Cold
- b
Open کھلا Close بند
Near نزدیک Far دور
Choose the Synonyms from the following: Vacant :
- Grow
- Large
- Clean
- Empty
- d
Vacant خالی
Empty خالی
Choose the Synonyms from the following: Vitiate:
- Amuse
- Spoil
- Rectify
- Trust
- b
Vitiate مٹا دینا
Spoil بگاڑ