- by
- to
- of
- with
- b
وہ مجھ سے افضل ہے۔
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
What is synonym of “Melancholy”?
- Hapiness
- Busy
- Sadness
- None of these
- c
Melancholy اداسی
Sadness اداسی
What is antonym of “Expand”?
- Condense
- Conclusion
- Cost
- None of these
- a
Expand پھیلائیں
Condense کثیف
What is synonym of “Prevalent”?
- Near
- Widespread
- Outside
- None of these
- b
Prevalent غالب
Widespread وسیع پیمانے پر
What is synonym of “Sundry”?
- Same
- Various
- Difficult
- None of these
- b
Sundry خوبصورت, دلدل
Various مختلف
We have full faith…our teachers.
- on
- in
- of
- at
- b
ہمیں اپنے اساتذہ پر پورا اعتماد ہے۔
Usman is afraid …..dog.
- of
- to
- by
- from
- a
عثمان کتے سے ڈرتا ہے۔
Whether I pay or my wife pays amounts ….the same thing.
- of
- to
- for
- from
- b
ایک ہی چیز کیلئے میں یا میری بیوی رقم ادا کریں گے۔
Choose the plurals of the following words: Student:
- Studentes
- Sudineties
- Students
- None of these
- c
Student طالب علم
Choose the correct Answer from the following : Earth …..only one moon.
- is
- contain
- has
- can
- c
زمین میں صرف ایک چاند ہے۔