- Energy
- Ability
- Varity
- Capacity
- c
Variety قسم
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the correct spelling:
- Amatuer
- Amateu
- Amateur
- None of these
- c
Find the mis-spelt word:
- Annex
- Aniversary
- Animate
- Animosity
- b
Correct spelling is Anniversary
Choose the correct Spelling:
- Commitee
- Committee
- Committe
- None of these
- b
You can’t always pass ….appearance.
- by
- down
- into
- of
- a
He is superior …..me.
- to
- by
- into
- of
- a
وہ مجھ سے افضل ہے۔
Opposite of Tauheed is:
- Abu Jahal
- Ablees
- Idol
- Shirk
- d
There are two types of Shirk.
Choose the Indirect Speech : He asked , “Who speaks French?”
- He wanted to know which spoke French.
- He wanted to know which spoke French.
- He wanted to know who spoke French.
- He wanted to know hw was to speak French.
- c
وہ جاننا چاہتا تھا کہ کون فرانسیسی بولتا ہے۔
Synonym of “Anguish “is:
- Attack
- Agony
- Anxious
- None of these
- b
Anguish گھبراؤ
Agony اذیت
Which of the following word is closest in meaning of the word Monitor?
- Conclude
- Punish
- Observe
- Interfere
- c
Monitor چیک کرنا
Observe مشاہدہ