- Glance
- Perceive
- Reflect
- Intention
- a
Stare گھورنا۔
Glance نظر
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
The similar meaning word of “Illustrate”:
- Conversation
- Vice
- Exemplify
- Humor
- c
Illustrate مثال
Exemplify مثال دیں
What is opposite of “Insolvent”?
- Intuition
- Bankrupt
- Wealthy
- Translate
- c
Insolvent دیوالیہ۔
Wealthy دولت مند۔
All of us should abide …..the laws of country.
- with
- by
- in
- by
- b
ہم سب کو ملکی قوانین کی پاسداری کرنی چاہیے۔
A knife is to cut……….
- in
- for
- With
- Off
- C
چاقو سے کاٹنا ہے۔
What is Opposite of “Calibre”?
- Distinct
- Brave
- Inability
- Yielding
- c
Calibre صلاحیت
Inability صلاحیت نہ ہونا
What is opposite of “Blooming”?
- Fading
- Flowering
- Mild
- Quilt
- a
Blooming کھلنا
Fading دھندلاہٹ
What is synonym of Culprit?
- Liar
- Honest
- Offender
- Innocent
- C
Culprit مجرم۔
He has been going to school —- the last 10 years.
- for
- to
- from
- since
- a
وہ پچھلے 10 سالوں سے سکول جا رہا ہے
Which of the following is correct spelling:
- Applause
- Applouse
- Appaloze
- Applaz
- a
Applause تالیاں