- is
- are
- am
- were
- a
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
We …..not talk to him.
- shall
- will
- have
- has
- a
ہم اس سے بات نہیں کریں گے۔
This drink tastes a little …..to me.
- too much strong
- strong
- so strong
- strongly
- b
اس مشروب کا ذاتقہ مجھے بہت پسند ہے
Select the similar word from the following: Mere:
- Complete
- Empty
- Simple
- Some
- c
Select the similar word from the following: Obligatory:
- Agreeable
- Compulsory
- Useful
- Stubborn
- b
Obligatory واجب
Compulsory لازمی
Select the similar word from the following: Abandon:
- Pursue
- Give Up
- Collect
- Hunt
- b
Abandon ترک کرنا
Give Up چھوڑ دینا
Select the similar word from the following: Load:
- Burden
- Memory
- Celebration
- Shrine
- a
Load بوجھ
Burden بوجھ
Select the similar word from the following: Ethnic:
- Moral
- Legal
- Cultural
- Foreign
- a
Ethnic اخلاقی
Moral اخلاقی
Select the similar word from the following: Brief:
- Broad
- Short
- Smooth
- Wide
- b
Brief مختصر
Short مختصر
Choose the Opposite word from given options: Foremost
- Unimportant
- Hindmost
- Disposed
- Matured
- a
Foremost سب سے اہم
Unimportant غیر اہم