- Happy
- Mad
- Worried
- None of these
- b
Mad پاگل
Insane پاگل
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
The white and black dog …..barking.
- is
- am
- are
- were
- a
سفید اور کالا کتا بھونک رہا ہے۔
Send this parcel …..my address.
- for
- to
- with
- about
- b
یہ پارسل میرے پتے پر بھیجیں
Netherlands literally means?
- Lowest Countries
- Lower Countries
- Mouth of land
- Land of Sunset
- b
Netherlands is called lower countries because its elevation level is low.
Its 50% land is 3 feet above the sea level and 26% land is below sea level and 24% land is at sea level.
Select the correct translation of the following: وہ گول نہ کر سکے
- They cannot score the goal.
- They could not score the goal.
- They did not score the goal.
- The was no reach the goal.
- b
Select the correct translation of the following:کسان چار روز سے ہل چلا رہا ہو گا
- The farmer do not plaguing four days.
- The farmer will have been ploughing for four days.
- The farmer will have been ploughing since four days.
- The farmer will had been ploughing for four days.
- b
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Select the word which is most nearly similar in meaning. “Value”
- Worth
- Ethically
- Record
- Fate
- a
Value قدر
Select the word which is most nearly similar in meaning.“Slim”
- Fit
- Fate
- Thick
- Stender
- a
Slim پتلا
Change the voice of the following: No one responded to my sales add
- My sales add was not responded by anyone.
- My sales add was not respond by anyone.
- My sales add could not responded by anyone.
- My sales add is not responded to by anyone.
- a
میرے سیلز کے اشتہار پر کسی نے بھی جواب نہیں دیا
Change the voice of the following:She goes office.
- She went office.
- She is gone office.
- Office is gone by her.
- The act of going to office is done by her.
- c
وہ دفتر جاتی ہے۔