- Faithless
- Unfaithful
- Both A & B
- Disobedient
- c
Faithful وفادار
Unfaithful بے وفا
Faithless بے وفا
Faithful, Faithless, False, Disloyal, Distrustful are the antonyms of “Faithful”.
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: The first (one) has been done for you.
- Zero
- Nill
- All
- None
- a
Select the synonym of bracket words: First, we (gather) pieces of cloths.
- Join
- Collect
- Find
- Trace
- b
Gather جمع کرنا
Collect جمع کرنا
Collect, Assemble, Accumulate, Amass, Group are also synonyms of “Gather”.
Select the synonym of bracket words: There are twenty six (alphabet) in the English Language.
- Units
- Words
- Phrases
- Characters
- d
There is difference between letters and characters, letters are individual alphabets which are 26 but characters are included alphabets and phonetic variations and all others.
Letters examples are A B C d e F g
Character examples are A , B , c , D
Select the synonym of bracket words: Memna was a (soft) white lamb.
- Sippy
- Simple
- Smooth and pleasant
- Less hard
- c
Soft نرم
Smooth and Pleasant ہموار اور خوشگوار
Hushed, Gentle, Calm are also synonyms of “Soft”.
Select the synonym of bracket words: Thank you very much. My (pleasure).
- Happiness
- Enjoyment
- Both A & B
- Love
- c
Pleasure خوشی
Enjoyment لطف اندوزی
Happiness خوشی
Enjoyment, Satisfaction, Happiness, Joy are also synonyms of “Pleasure”.
Find the main verb in the following sentence: She made him weep last night.
- Last
- Made
- Night
- Weep
- b
اس نے کل رات اسے رلا دیا۔
Find out the helping verb in the sentence: He has promised me financial help.
- Has
- Help
- Promised
- Financial
- a
اس نے مجھ سے مالی مدد کا وعدہ کیا ہے۔
We had to walk _____ a thick forest.
- Through
- In
- Into
- Across
- a
ہمیں گھنے جنگل سے گزرنا تھا۔
My sister helped me _____ my homework.
- In
- With
- On
- For
- b
میری بہن نے میرے ہوم ورک میں میری مدد کی۔