- Of
- What
- For
- To
- d
براہ کرم میں جو کہتا ہوں اس پر توجہ دیں؟
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
You should not jest……his poverty.
- At
- In
- For
- To
- a
آپ کو اس کی غربت کا مذاق نہیں اڑانا چاہیے۔
The jug is full…..milk.
- In
- With
- Of
- Upon
- c
جگ دودھ سے بھرا ہوا ہے۔
There is no heir…..the throne?
- On
- To
- About
- In
- b
کیا تخت کا کوئی وارث نہیں؟
Change the Active Voice to Passive Voice: The girl is playing the guitar.
- The guitar was being played by the girl.
- The guitar will be played by the girl.
- The guitar is being played by the girl.
- The guitar would be played by the girl.
- c
لڑکی گٹار بجا رہی ہے۔
گٹار لڑکی سے بجایا گیا۔
Change the Active Voice to Passive Voice: This entry took the prize.
- The prize will be taken by this entry.
- The prize can be taken by this entry.
- The prize was taken by this entry.
- The prize would be taken by this entry.
- c
اس اندراج نے انعام لیا۔
اس اندراج سے انعام لیا گیا۔
Change the Active Voice to Passive Voice: The woman founded the club.
- The club was founded by the woman.
- The Club will be founded by the woman.
- The club can be founded by the woman.
- The club would be founded by the woman.
- a
اس خاتون نے کلب کی بنیاد رکھی۔
کلب کی بنیاد خاتون نے رکھی تھی۔
Change the Active Voice to Passive Voice: The Children can understand the poem.
- The poem can be understand by the children.
- The poem could be understand by the children.
- The poem would be understand by the children.
- The poem should be understand by the children
- b
بچے نظم کو سمجھ سکتے ہیں۔
نظم کو بچے سمجھ سکتے تھے۔
How many Chief Marks of Punctuation?
- 8
- 10
- 12
- 14
- b
Full Stop
Question Mark
Exclamation Mark
Quotation Mark
How many parts of speech?
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- d