- Noun
- Verb
- Adverb
- Adjective
- d
پورٹر (نیچے) ٹرین کی زد میں آ گیا۔
English MCQs
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Change the Narration: She says, “ I am right”.
- She asks that she is right.
- She urges that she is right.
- She says that she is right.
- She assumes that she is right.
- c
وہ کہتی ہے، ''میں ٹھیک ہوں''۔
وہ کہتی ہے کہ وہ صحیح ہے۔
Change the Voice: Why do the children make noise?
- Why is a noise made by the children?
- Why has been a noise made by the children?
- Why the children used to make the noise?
- Why was a noise made by the children?
- a
بچے شور کیوں کرتے ہیں؟
بچوں نے شور کیوں مچایا؟
Find out the comparative degree of Black.
- More Black
- More Blackest
- Blacker
- None of these
- c
Positive Degree Black
Comparative Degree Blacker
Superlative Degree Blackest
She (never) comes late. The word in a bracket is……..
- Noun
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Article
- b
وہ (کبھی نہیں) دیر سے آتی ہے۔
The theory has been abandoned……..modern discoveries.
- Due to
- In absence of
- Being unfit it
- In the light of
- a
جدید دریافتوں کی وجہ سے نظریہ ترک کر دیا گیا ہے۔
A large crowd gathered to…….his speech.
- Listen
- Follow
- Delivery
- Hear
- a
ان کی تقریر سننے کے لیے ایک بڑا ہجوم جمع تھا۔
Choose the most appropriate Antonym: “Imitate”
- Imagine
- Douse
- Immerse
- Originate
- d
Imitate نقل کرنا
Originate خود بنانا / تیار کرنا
Choose the most appropriate Antonym: “Bright”
- Dark
- Ugly
- Rough
- Dirty
- a
Bright روشن
Dark اندھیرا
Choose the most appropriate synonym: “Expect”
- Reject
- Anticipate
- Accept
- Disagree
- b
Expect توقع
Anticipate اندازہ لگانا