- Red Blood Cells
- Red Blue Cells
- Red Black Cells
- None of these
- a
The life span of Red Blood Cells is 120 days (Approximately).
Everyday Science MCQs
All Everyday Science MCqs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded on ETEST Website. All Everyday Science MCQs are solved with complete detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
What is speed of light?
- 370,000 Km/Sec
- 300,000 Km/Sec
- 350,000 Km/Sec
- 320,000 Km/Sec
- c
Speed of sound is 343m/sec.
Study of Insects is called:
- Cardiology
- Entomology
- Dermatology
- Geology
- b
Study of Heart is called Cardiology
Study of Skin is called Dermatology
Study of Earth is called Geology
Study of Blood is called:
- Hematology
- Virology
- Osteology
- None of these
- a
Study of liver is called Hepatology
Study of Virus is called Virology
Study of Bones is called Osteology
Malaria is a disease which effects the:
- Heart
- Kidney
- Spleen
- Lungs
- C
Which of the following is longest bones of human body?
- Febula
- Tibiya
- Stapes
- Femur
- d
The bone of ear is shortest bone of human body.
This ear bone is called Stapes.
Study of Universe is called:
- Demography
- Cosmology
- Astrology
- None of these
- b
Study of Population is called Demography.
Cow milk is rich source of:
- Vitamin C
- Fats
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin A
- d
Vitamin A is also found in Green Vegetables.
Cathode Ray Tube is used in:
- Bike
- Monitor
- Cycle
- None of these
- b
Plucker discovered the Cathode Rays in 1858.
Cathode Rays Tube (CRT) was invented in 1897 by German Scientist Ferdinend Braun.
Jabir Bin Hayyan was a famous Muslim……
- Physicist
- Chemist
- Discoverer
- Teacher
- b
Jabir Bin Hayyan was an Arab Chemist.
He is also known as “Father of Chemistry”.
Jabir Bin Hayyan discovered the Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4)