- Karakoram
- Pamirs
- Kirthar Hills
- None of these
- c
Karakorum Hill is located in GB.
Pamir Hill is located in Tajikistan.
General Knowledge MCQs
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How many Prophets are mentioned in Holy Quran?
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- c
“Wheel” is the symbol of:
- Progress
- Peace
- Speed
- Road
- a
Which of the following country is located in the “Levant” region?
- Syria
- Iran
- Iraq
- France
- a
Oxygen was discovered by:
- Priestly
- Faraday
- Franklin
- Newton
- a
Oxygen was discovered by Priestly in1774.
Rand is the currency of:
- South Africa
- Tanzania
- Dubai
- Turkey
- a
Dubai Dirham
Turkey Lira
Tanzania Tanzanian Shilling
Which city is known as Manchester of Pakistan?
- Faisalabad
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Multan
- a
The Old name of Faisalabad is Lyallpur. It was changed in 1979.
Name the DG Inter Services Public Relations is:
- Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor
- Maj. Gen. Babar Iftikhar
- Gen. Raheel Sharif
- Maj.Gen.Ahmed Sharif
- d
What is retirement age of High Court Judge?
- 62
- 65
- 68
- 70
- a
The retirement age of Supreme Court Judge is 65 Years.
What is the keyboard shortcut key for creating a chart from the selected cell range?
- F1
- F7
- F11
- F12
- c