- 30
- 07
- 14
- 114
- a
There are 114 Surah in Quran.
There are 6666 Ayat in Quran.
There are 558 Raku in Quran.
There are 14 Sajda in Quran.
There are 7 Stages in Quran.
Islamic Study MCQs
All Islamic Studies Solved MCQs are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All MCQs are taken from Current & Past Papers of different posts. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Usman (R.A) belonged to ……tribe.
- Quraish
- Banu Taym
- Umayyad
- Banu Adi
- c
Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) belonged to Banu Taym tribe.
Umar (R.A) belonged to Banu Adi tribe.
Muhammad (PBUH) and Ali (R.A) belonged to Banu Hashim Tribe.
Torah is associated with ……
- Musa (A.S)
- Dawood (A.S)
- Esa (A.S)
- Muhammad (PBUH)
- a
Toraat Musa (A.S)
Zaboor Dawood (A.S)
Injeel Esa (A.S)
Quran Majeed Muhammad (PBUH)
Yousaf (A.S) was sold as slave in which country?
- Egypt
- Syria
- Makkah
- Israel
- a
Yousaf (A.S)’s brothers sold them against some pieces of Silver.
How many verses revealed in first Wahi of Quran?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- b
First revelation consist of first five Aayat of Surah Al-Alaq.
First revelation was revealed in Gar E Hira.
Khadija (R.A) is buried in …..
- Mountain Hira
- Tour Mountain
- Jannat Ul Baqi
- Jannat Ul Mualla
- d
Two wives of Holy Prophet (PBUH), Khadija (R.A) and Maimoona (R.A) are buried in Jannat Ul Mualla and other wives are buried in Jannat Ul Baqi.
What is Aam Ul Huzn?
- Year of Sorrow
- Year of Happiness
- Year of Battles
- None of these
- a
Aam Ul Huzn (Year of Sorrow) is 619 AD.
Wife of Muhammad (PBUH)Khadija (R.A) and Uncle of Muhammad (PBUH) Abu Talib died in 619 AD.
Bait E Rizwan was made under which tree?
- Peepal
- Keekar
- Deodar
- Palm
- b
Bait E Rizwan also called Bait E Shajra.
Bait E Rizwan took place in 6th Hijri.
Bait E Rizwan consist of 1400 Sahaba (R.A)
Who prepared the grave of Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
- Ali (R.A)
- Abbas (R.A)
- Abu Talha Ansari (R.A)
- Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
- c
Who was first Father in Law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
- Shoaib
- Umar
- Khuwaylid
- Ismail
- c
Khuwaylid was father of first wife of Holy Prophet Khadija (R.A).