- At the time of the eclipse of moon
- At the time of the eclipse of moon
- At the time of the eclipse of moon
- For the sake of rain
- B
Nimaz E Kasoofoffers at the time of eclipse of sun.
Nimaz E Istasqa offers for rain.
Islamic Study MCQs
All Islamic Studies Solved MCQs are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All MCQs are taken from Current & Past Papers of different posts. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Holy Book of Jews is____
- Taurat
- Zaboor
- Injeel
- Holy Quran
- A
The Holy Book of Jews is Taurat.
The Holy Book of Christians is Injeel.
The Holy Book of Subba is Zabur.
The Holy Book of Muslims is Quran Kareem.
Which of the following people did not believe in Nuh (A.S)?
- His Son
- His Cousins
- His Dad
- His Brother
- A
According to Quran, Nuh (A.S) preached for 950 years (Surah Al-Ankaboot Ayat No 14).
The title of Nooh (A.S) is “Abu Al-Bashar-E-Sani” or “Adam E Sani” (Second Father of Humans).
The name of Nuh (A.S) son was “Kanan”.
Who was prophet Yusuf’s (A.S) father?
- Prophet Ayub (A.S)
- Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)
- Prophet Musa (A.S)
- Prophet Yaqoob (A.S)
- D
What significant event in Islamic history occurred in Rajab?
- Battel of Uhad
- First Pledge of Aqaba
- Isra and Miraj
- Treaty of Hudaibiya
- C
Isra and Miraj is also known as Shab E Meraj.
Where did Prophet (S.A.W) and Abu Baker take shelter before proceeding to Al-Madinah?
- Mount Uhad
- Cave of Soor
- Syria
- Taif
- B
Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Baker Saddique (R.A) hide for three days in Jabal Thawr.
Ghaseel Ul Malaika is the title of _____
- Abu Talha (R.A)
- Hanzala (R.A)
- Abu Dajana (R.A)
- Saad (R.A)
- B
Hanzala (R.A) was martyred in Ghazwa E Uhad.
Ghazwa E Uhad was fought on 3 Shawwal 3 AH or 23 March 625 AD.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions remain in siege in Shi’b Abe Talib for _____
- 03 Years
- 04 Years
- 05 Years
- 06 Years
- A
This siege remained from 7 Nabi to 10 Nabvi.
Hajre-Aswad means _____
- White Stone
- Pious Stone
- Black Stone
- Foundation Stone
- c
Hajre-Aswad is a stone of Heaven and gifted to Ibrahim (A.S).
The Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran is _____
- Ghazwa E Uhad
- Ghazwa E Khaibar
- Ghazwa E Khandaq
- Ghazwa E Badar
- d
Ghazwa E Badar was fought on 17 Ramzan 2 AH.
Ghazwa E Badar is also know as “Yom E Furqan”.
The strength of Muslims was 313 in Ghazwa E Badar.
The strength of Infidels was 1000 in Ghazwa E Badar.