- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Indonesia
- None of these
- c
The currency of Indonesia is Rupiah.
The most populous island of Indonesia is Java.
The independence day of Indonesia is 17th August.
Indonesia is most populated Muslim country in the world.
All Categories
What is capital of Canada?
- Glasgow
- Canberra
- Montreal
- Ottawa
- d
Canada is a country located in Continent North America.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
The Ottawa was chosen as capital of Canada in 1857.
The currency of Canada is Canadian Dollar.
There are two official languages in Canada which are English and French.
What is currency of Ireland?
- Pound
- Euro
- Frac
- None of these
- b
Ireland is an island country located in Europe Continent.
The capital of Ireland is Dublin.
The symbol of Ireland is Shamrock.
Titanic was built in “Belfast” city of Ireland.
There are three colours on the flag of Ireland which are Geen, White and Orange.
What is currency of Turkey?
- Turkish Riyal
- Turkish Dinar
- Turkish Lira
- None of these
- c
Turkey is a country located in Continent Asia and Europe.
The capital of Turkey is Ankara.
The dialing code of Turkey is +90.
He is fond ____ drawing.
- On
- Of
- In
- At
- b
اسے ڈرائنگ کا شوق ہے۔
He is getting out ____ the car.
- Upon
- From
- At
- Of
- d
وہ گاڑی سے باہر نکل رہا ہے۔
I am looking for admission _____ in a government or private university.
- Both
- Either
- Until
- Till
- b
میں سرکاری یا نجی یونیورسٹی میں داخلہ کی تلاش میں ہوں۔
Columbus _____ America more than four hundred years ago.
- Has discovered
- Had discovered
- Have discovered
- Discovered
- d
کولمبس نے امریکہ کو چار سو سال پہلے دریافت کیا تھا۔
He sat ____ the shade of trees.
- Beneath
- Over
- Below
- Aside
- a
وہ درختوں کے سائے میں بیٹھ گیا۔
I said it _____ his face.
- Upon
- On
- For
- To
- d
میں نےیہ اُس کے چہرے پر کہا۔