- 2.34 CM
- 2.45 CM
- 2.54 CM
- None of these
- c
One Mile is equal to 1600 Meters.
One Kilometer is equla ot 1000 Meters.
One Meter is equal to 3.28 Feet.
One Feet is equal to 12 Inches.
One Inch is equal to 2.54 CM.
One CM is equal to 10 MM.
All Categories
Lack of Vitamin D can cause _____
- Bone Problems
- Muscle spasm
- Kidney Mastoor
- None of these
- a
Lack of Vitamin A causes Night Blindness.
Lack of Vitamin B causes Beriberi or Anaemia.
Lack of Vitamin C causes Scurvy.
Lack of Vitamin E causes Impaired Reflexes.
Jahangir Khan won _____ Squash Championship for10 times.
- Olympics
- World Open
- British Open
- None of these
- c
Jahangir Khan was born in Karachi in 1963.
He won Squash British Open Tile Championship for 10 times.
He won Squash World Open Tile Championship for 06 times.
What is the height of the wickets used in the game of cricket in inches?
- 28 Inches
- 27 Inches
- 26 Inches
- None of these
- a
The height of wickets used in the cricket is 28 inches or 71.12 cm.
The width of the wickets is 9 inches or 22.86 cm.
The size of bails or wills is 4.34 inches or 111.13 mm.
The height of wills on wickets is 0.5 inches.
I have been working here _____ ten years?
- From
- Since
- For
- With
- c
Parents expect more _____ their children?
- With
- Of
- From
- To
- b
The same considerations are equally applicable _____ accident claims?
- To
- In
- On
- Of
- a
The public were deeply sceptical _____ some of the proposals?
- For
- With
- From
- About
- d
She’s angry _____ you.
- On
- For
- With
- To
- c
I’m getting late ______ office.
- From
- For
- To
- In
- b