- also
- Yet
- However
- but
- b
All Categories
He attributed his failure in the examination …..tough paper?
- to
- at
- for
- upon
- a
انہوں نے امتحان میں اپنی ناکامی کو سخت پیپر سے منسوب کیا
The culprit has been charged …..murder.
- off
- with
- abot
- for
- b
مجرم پر قتل کا الزام عائد کیا گیا ہے۔
Pick the correct word:
- Testimony
- Testimoney
- Testemoney
- Testemamy
- a
That which cannot be believed?
- Bourgeois
- Credible
- Incredible
- Contagious
- C
You ought to abide …..the decision.
- from
- about
- of
- by
- d
She has been waiting ……3 hours.
- since
- for
- at
- to
- b
We get oil and gas from?
- Carbon Fuels
- Precious Fuels
- Fossils Fuels
- Extant Fuels
- c
What is name of the present Navel Chief of Pakistan?
- Admiral Hamid Khan
- Admiral Naveed Ashraf
- Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi
- Admiral Arshad Khan
- b
Admiral Naveed Ashraf is serving as Naval Chief of Pakistan Army since 7th October 2023.
M-8 Motorway commences from:
- Islamabad to Lahore
- Sukkur To Gwadar
- Lahore to Multan
- Peshawar to Lahore
- b
M-8 Motorway is 892 Km long.