- Zimbabwe
- Cuba
- Russia
- Japan
- a
All Categories
What is the capital of Brazil?
- Ottawa
- Toronto
- Brasilia
- Nairobi
- C
1 Gram is equal to how many Milligrams?
- 500
- 100
- 1000
- 10000
- c
State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on:
- 14 Dec 1947
- 1st July 1948
- 17 August 1947
- 10 July 1947
- b
Which of the following has not Skelton at tail?
- Sponge
- Jelly Fish
- Silver Fish
- Star Fish
- b
Fathometer is used to measure:
- Earthquake
- Ocean depth
- Rainfalls
- Sound Intensity
- b
MoU stands for:
- Memorandum of Meaning
- Memorandum of Unity
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Mean of Understanding
- c
FIR stands for:
- First Inquiry Report
- First Investigation Report
- First Information Report
- All of the Above
- c
Term of SHO stands for:
- Station Held Officer
- Station House Officer
- Station Head Quarter Officer
- None of these
- b
Where is Headquarter of UNODC located?
- New York, USA
- England , UK
- Viena, Austria
- None of these
- c
UNODC stands for United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.