- Shah Jahan
- Ibrahim Lodhi
- Akbar
- Sher Shah Suri
- d
GT Road stands for Grand Trunk Road.
All Categories
Who was the first President of Pakistan?
- Iskandar Mirza
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Ghulam Muhammad
- None of these
- a
Iskandar Mirza was also last Governor General of Pakistan.
Land between river Bias and Ravi is called:
- Rachna Doab
- Chaj Doab
- Bari Doab
- None of these
- c
Which country opposed Paksitan membership in UN?
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- Iraq
- None of the Above
- a
Pakistan became member of UN on 30th September 1947.
All India Muslim League was founded in:
- 1885
- 1900
- 1913
- 1906
- d
How many members of NATO?
- 30
- 32
- 34
- 36
- a
NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Minar E Pakistan was built in:
How many seats of Senate Pakistan?
- 100
- 104
- 110
- 342
- a
National Assembly has total 342 seats.
Gomel Dam is constructed in which district of KPK?
- D.I.Khan
- South Waziristan
- Banu
- North Waziristan
- b
The first women who embraced Islam?
- Ayesha (R.A)
- Khadija (R.A)
- Ruqaya (R.A)
- Habiba (R.A)
- b
Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) embraced Islam first in Men.
Ali (R.A) embraced Islam first in children.