- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- c
General Dyer ordered troops to attack on people and killed at least 400 people.
All Categories
The Headquarter of World Trade Organization is in:
- Geneva
- New York
- London
- None of these
- a
It is founded in 1995.
It has 164 members.
Pakistan’s biggest & most powerful “Radio Station” is:
- Islamabad
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Peshawar
- a
There were only 03 Radio Stations in 1947 .
Total 22 Radio stations are broadcasting in Pakistan Now.
The first poet of Urdu Poetry is:
- Nazeer Akbar Aabadi
- Allama Iqbal
- Mirza Galib
- Hasrat Muhani
- a
The area lying between river Beas & the Ravi is called:
- Chaj Doab
- Bari Doab
- Rachna Doab
- Saharwal Doab
- b
Length of River Ravi is 720 KM.
Length of River Beas is 470 KM.
The Quaid-E-Azam’s Fourteen Points were issued in response to:
- Lord Mount
- Nehru Report
- 3rd June Plan
- Minto Marley
- b
Nehru’s report was published in 1928.
Fourteen Points of Quaid-E-Azam was published in 1929.
The Opposite of “Miscellaneous” is:
- Mingle
- Vague
- Similar
- Different
- c
De Jure means:
- By Itself
- By Law
- By Right
- By the way
- a
The Indus Treaty was signed in:
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- c
Indus water treaty was a water distribution treaty between India and Pakistan.
It was conducted between Jawaharlal Nehru and Gen. Ayub Khan in 1960.
The Headquarter of the Commonwealth in:
- Shanghai
- Singapore
- New York
- London
- d
Commonwealth of Nations is a political association of 53 countries.
It is founded in 1931
Its purpose is cooperation at international level between countries for Human rights and Social development.