- Safar, 20
- Shawwal, 12
- 11th Zilhajja
- None of these
- d
Last Wahi was revealed in Zul-Hajjah.
All Categories
Who wrote the “Kapas ka Phool”?
- Allama Iqbal
- Mirza Galib
- Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
- None of these
- c
اردو زبان کی ترقی کیلئے انگریزوں نے کونسا کالج قائم کیا؟
- فورٹ ولیم کالج
- ایم اے او کالج
- دہلی کالج
- علی گڑھ کالج
- a
یہ کالج کلکتہ انڈیا میں واقع ہے۔
Saddique and ……the titles given to Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A).
- Ateeque
- Tahir
- Pious
- None of the above
- a
Saddique and Ateeq was titles of Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A).
سکھ مذہب کے بانی بابا گرو نانک کہاں پیدا ہوئے؟
- ننکانہ صاحب
- دہلی
- تلونڈی
- بنگال
- a
گرو نانک ننکانہ صاحب میں پیدا ہوئے اور کرتار پورمیں وفات پائی۔
Who was first Sufi Poet of Urdu?
- Mirza Galib
- Qutab Shah
- Ameer Khusro
- Meer Taqi
- b
The real name of Qutab Shah was Abdullah Aon.
He was born in 1028 and died in 1099.
Who was the Second Son of Ibrahim (A.S) ?
- Ishaq (A.S)
- Yahya (A.S)
- Ismail (A.S)
- None of these
- a
Ibrahim (A.S) had two sons, which names were Ismail (A.S) and Ishaq (A.S).
Ismail (A.S) was from Hajra (A.S) and Ishaq (A.S) was from Sara (A.S)
The discussion about this question is present in Surah Safaat aayat no 101 in Quran Majeed.
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar was the Governor of:
- Sindh
- Balochistan
- Punjab
- d
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar became the Governor of Punjab in 1949.
The total area of FATA is …….
- 205344 Km2
- 347190 Km2
- 27220 Km2
- 40914 Km2
- C
Quetta was completely destroyed because of great earthquake on:
- 31st May 1935
- 1st May 1945
- 20th May 1945
- None of the above
- a
The 1935 Quetta Earthquake occurred on 31st May 1935 between 2:30 to 3:30 AM.
The causalities were upto 60,000.