- Software
- Hardware
- Both
- None of these
- b
Computer Hardware examples are CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, CD ROM, Motherboard, Fan, Power Supply, Keyboard and etc.
All Categories
How many Pages of Google?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- b
Google has only 1 Page.
Google is a Search Engine.
CPU stands for:
- Center Processing Unit
- Core Processing Unit
- Central Processing Unit
- Casual Processing Unit
- c
CPU is called the Brain of Computer.
1 Nibble = ?
- 4 Bits
- 8 Bytes
- 4 Bytes
- 8 Bits
- a
4 Bit = 1 Nibble
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobytes
How many types of computer Software ?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- b
Application Software
System Software
Junk Email is also called:
- Spoof
- Spool
- Spam
- None of these
- c
Who gave the first definition of Computer Virus?
- Mcafee
- Cohen
- Norton
- Smith
- b
Short Detail:
Cohen gave the first definition of Computer Virus in 1983.
First Computer Virus was created in 1986 that named “Brain”. This virus was created by two Pakistani brothers Basi and Amjad Farooq Alvi.
SSL stands for:
- Secure System Login
- Secure Socket Layer
- System Socket Layer
- None of these
- b
SSL encrypted the data between user and main website.
Which American Company is called Big Blue?
- Compaq
- Microsoft
- Dell
- b
IBM stands for International Business Machines.
It was founded on 16th June 1911.
It is providing computer related products in 170 Countries.
Email stands for:
- Electro Mail
- Electronic Mail
- Even Mail
- None of these
- b
Ray Tomlinson introduced Email in 1970s.
First Email was sent in 1971 by Inventor.