- Maldives
- England
- Bhutan
- New Zealand
- d
“Kiwi” name was given to New Zealand during First World War.
New Zealand is an island country.
Its 6th largest island country of the world.
The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington.
All Categories
Pakistan has no border with _____
- Afghanistan
- China
- Bangladesh
- India
- c
Pakistan shares borders with four countries which are China, India, Afghanistan and Iran.
There only country which shares maritime border with Pakistan is Oman.
Jamrud Fort is located in _____
- Multan
- Rahim Yar Khan
- Hyderabd
- Peshawar
- d
Jamrud Fort was built by Sikh General Hari Singh Nawla in 1836 in 54 days.
The walls of this fort are 10 feet thick.
What is tenure of National Assembly of Pakistan?
- 5 Years
- 4 Years
- 3 Years
- None of these
- a
According to Chapter 1, Article 53 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973, The tenure of National Assembly of Pakistan is 5 years.
The minimum age for Member of National Assembly (MNA) is 25 years.
Leader of National Assembly of Pakistan is called _____
- Chairman
- Prime Minister
- Speaker
- None of these
- c
Leader of Senate of Pakistan is called Chairman.
National Assembly of Pakistan is also known as “Lowr House”.
Senate of Pakistan is also known as “Upper House”.
Gora Qabristan is located in _____
- Multan
- Karachi
- Quetta
- Attock
- b
Gora Qabristan is located on Jail Road, Lahore.
Gora Qabristan is also located on Shahrah E Faisal, Karachi.
Gora Qabristan is related to Christian community.
Shah Jahan Mosque is located in _____
- Thatta
- Lahore
- Hyderbad
- Karachi
- a
Shah Jahan Mosque is also known as Jamia Masjid Thatta.
This Mosque was constructed in the era of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1647.
This Mosque has 93 Dome.
What is the old name of Faisalabad?
- Montgomery
- Neroon Kot
- Lyallpur
- Shallkot
- c
Old name of Faisalabad Lyallpur changed to Faisalabad on 1st September 1977.
Old name of District Sahiwal was Montgomery.
Old name of Hyderabad was Neroon Kot
Old name of Quetta was Shallkot.
Which of the following city is called “City of Saints”?
- Lahore
- Gujranwala
- Sargodha
- Multan
- d
Gujranwala is known as “City of Wrestlers”.
Lahore is known as “City of Colleges” and “City of Gardens”.
Sargodha is known as “City of Eagles”.
World Earth Day is celebrated on _____
- 23rd March
- 22nd April
- 4th May
- 14th August
- b
Earth Day first time celebrated on 21st March 1970.
An American senator conducted an event on 22nd April 1970 related to environment. That day was recalled as “Earth Day”. suggested to celebrated the World Earth Day on 22nd April of each month.