- Liabilities + Asset = Capital
- Capital + Liabilities = Asset
- Asset + Capital = Liabilities
- None of these
- b
All Categories
The cost of the asset after expiry of its useful life is called:
- Written down value
- Depreciation
- Residual Value
- Expired Value
- c
Calculate the gross profit if sale Rs.60000 , cost of sales Rs.50000, Opening Stock Rs.10000, Purchases Rs.40000, Wages Rs.20000 and office rent is Rs.10000.
- Rs.40000
- Rs.30000
- Rs.20000
- Rs.10000
- d
Trading Account, Profit Account, Loss Account and Balance Sheet is prepared form :
- Cash book and Bank Book
- Trial Balance
- Ledger Balance
- None of these
- b
A business asset of Rs.44312 and owner’s equity Rs.13210. What is amount of liability?
- 57522
- 31102
- 44312
- None of the Above
- b
Stock in trade is a:
- Intangible Asset
- Current Asset
- Fixed Asset
- None of these
- b
Auditing is a branch of:
- Natural Science
- Abstract Science
- Abstract Science
- Social Science
- d
Debenture represents:
- Direct Share in business
- Long Term liability of a business
- Long term capital of a business
- None of these
- b
Current ratio is calculated to:
- Compare the current asset with past asset
- Measure the Liquidity of Concern
- Compare the current asset with fixed asset.
- None of these
- b
Leaders perform:
- Informational Role
- Informal Role
- Decisional Role
- None of these
- c