- Water
- Roh
- Lassi
- Pink Tea
- b
Government of Pakistan conducted a poll for declaration of National Juice of Pakistan.
81% people out of 7616 vote for Sugarcane Juice.
All Categories
The world’s oldest mountain range is known as:
- Ander
- Alpa
- Himalya
- Hindu Kush
- c
Barberton Greenstone is the oldest mountain range in the world.
What is second highest peak of Pakistan?
- Nanga Parbat
- K-2
- Trich Mir
- Gasherbrum
- a
Nanga Parbat is located in Himalaya Range.
Nanga Parbat is also called Killer Mountain.
Its height is 8125 meters.
Pick Up:
- Carry weight with a jerk
- To recover health or grow stronger
- Collect flower from Garden
- Kind of Vehicle
- b
Its Phrase Verb
Hope against Hope:
- To hope even when the case is hopeless
- A work of Miracle
- Hope for bad luck
- A person always hoping without any action
- b
At large:
- Of bigger size
- A huge building
- At liberty, free
- Deep Jungle
- c
Be carried away:
- To walk carrying a load
- Under the influence of Emotions and not of reason
- A dead body carried to graveyard
- A term used in Hockey Game
- b
Out of bounds:
- Limitless
- Bound because of law
- Uncontrollable
- Outside the limits of area
- a
Out of bounds حد سے باہر
Limitless لامحدود
If you are transporting a patient with known airborne disease you should?
- You should put a suspical mask on the patient
- Put an oxygen mask on the patient
- You should wait for hazechem team to arrive
- None of these
- d
Shock is caused by:
- Vomiting
- Heart Attack
- Nausea
- None of these
- d