- Ranikot Fort
- Ramkot Fort
- Rohtas Fort
- None of these
- a
This Fort is present in Sindh.
Its also considered one of the largest fort of the world.
All Categories
Which Extinguisher is used for Solids?
- Foam Extinguisher
- Water Extinguishers
- Halotron Extinghisher
- None of these
- b
Solid Material fire is called A class fire and Water is often used on it.
Gilgit Baltistan is located in which side of Pakistan?
- West
- North
- East
- South
- b
In “PASS” Formula, A guides about:
- S for Sweep side to side
- Aim at the fire
- S for Squeeze the fire
- A for Aim at the fire
- b
P for Pull the pin
A for Aim at the fire
S for Squeeze the fire
S for Sweep side to side
During use of CO2 Extinguisher, its nozzle became cool, then it should be use or not?
- Yes
- No
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
Fire Mock Exercise must be conducted within:
- 01 Month
- 02 Month
- 03 Month
- 04 Month
- a
What is weight of DCP Cylinder?
- 6 kg
- 6.5 kg
- 4.5 kg
- 5 kg
- a
DCP stands for Dry Chemical Powder.
Testing Pressure of DCP Cyliner is 350 PSI.
First DCP Cylinder was invented in 1818.
What is “K” class of fire?
- Solid Fire
- Electric Fire
- Kitchen Fire
- None of these
- c
There are six types of Fire.
A Class
B Class
C Class
D Class
F Class
K Class
Which of the following is the biggest province of Pakistan by Population?
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Balushistan
- a
Baluchistan is the biggest province of Pakistan by area.
KPK is located in which side of Pakistan?
- East
- West
- North West
- None of these
The area of KPK is 1,01,741 km.