- Flood
- Desert
- Doaba
- Plateau Areas
- b
Pakistan Studies MCQs
All Pakistan Studies Solved MCQs from Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Pak Studies MCQs are Completely Solved with short detail.
K-2 is also known as:
- Roshan Peak
- Godwin Austin
- Sia Kingri
- None of these
- b
K-2 is the second highest mountain of the World.
K-2 is the highest mountain of Pakistan.
K-2 is the National Mountain of Pakistan.
The height of K-2 is 8611 meters.
Sat Para lake is situated in:
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Gilgit Baltistan
- d
The real name of this lake is Satpara Sar Lake.
It is located near Skardu, GB, Pakistan.
Its length is 3.5 Km and width is 1400 meters.
What is total area of AJK?
- 13000 Km2
- 12352 Km2
- 13,297 Km2
- 754125 Km2
- c
There are three Divisions, 10 Districts and 32 Tehsils in Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
What is height of Tirich Mir Peak?
- 7600 Meters
- 7708 Meters
- 7650 Meters
- 7550 Meters
- b
Tirich Mir is highest Mountain of Koh Hindu Kush.
Its 33rd highest mountain of the World.
It is located in Chitral District of KPK.
What is total area of FATA?
- 27,220 Km2
- 25,330 Km2
- 30,932 Km2
- 35,971 Km2
- a
FATA stands for Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
There are seven agencies and six frontier regions.
FATA was merged in KPK on 31st May 2018 with the approval of 25th amendment.
Which of the following is the highest court of province?
- Civil Court
- High Court
- Session Court
- Supreme Court
- b
First High Court was established in 1866 in Sub Continent.
The serving tenure of High Court Judge is 62 Years.
There are five high courts in Pakistan.
How many members of Council of Islamic Ideology?
- 15
- 20
- 25
- 30
- b
Council of Islamic Ideology was founded on 1st August 1962.
Who is called “Baba E Urdu”?
- Sir Zafar Ali Khan
- Molvi Abdul Haq
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Muhammad Ali Johar
- b
Molvi Fazal Ul Haq is also called “Shair E Bengal”.
The real name of Molvi Fazal Ul Haq was Abul Qasim Fazal Ul Haq.
He is also known as Abdul Haq.
Khushal Khan Khattak was a famous poet of:
- Barahvi Language
- Balochi Language
- Urdu Language
- Pashto Language
- d
Khushal Khan Khattak was also known as Khushal Baba.
He was an Afghan Poet.