- Lahore
- Lahore
- Allahabad
- None of these
- c
Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered Khutba Allahabad on 29th March 1930.
It was 25th annual session of All India Muslim League.
Pakistan Studies MCQs
All Pakistan Studies Solved MCQs from Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Pak Studies MCQs are Completely Solved with short detail.
Pakistan Air force Headquarter is located in:
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- Karachi
- Karachi
- b
Pakistan Air force Headquarter was changed again and again, but Islamabad became Headquarter of Air force in 2005.
Where is Warsak Dam located?
- Sindh
- Sindh
- b
Warsak Dam is located on River Kabul in Peshawar.
Its construction was started in 1949 and became operational in 1960.
Its installed capacity is 243 MW.
Who is the national poet of Pakistan?
- Ahmed Faraz
- Mir Taqi Mir
- Mirza Galib
- Allama Muhammad Iqbal
- d
Allama Muhammad Iqbal is also known as “Mufakar E Pakistan and Shair E Mashriq.
He was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot and died on 21st April 1938 in Lahore.
Which of the following is the oldest city of Pakistan?
- Lahore
- Multan
- Bahawalpur
- Faisalabad
- b
The old name of Multan was Kashep Puri.
Multan is also called City of Saints.
Multan is the 7th biggest city of Pakistan.
Where is Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar?
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Sehwan Sharif
- Sehwan Sharif
- d
The real name of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was Usman Shah Marwandi.
Which of the following is the largest library of Pakistan?
- Punjab Library
- Jinnah Library
- Lahore Library
- Quaid E Azam Library
- d
Punjab Library was founded on 8th November 1884 on the order of Governor of Punjab.
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented 14 points in:
- 1928
- 1929
- 1930
- 1931
- B
Jawaharlal Nehru presented Nehru Report in August 1928.
In response of Nehru Report, Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah represented Fourteen Points on 31st March 1929.
All India Muslim League was formed in:
- 1906
- 1913
- 1920
- 1934
- a
All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 at Dhaka.
Nawab Khawaja Samiullah is the founder of All India Muslim League.
Third largest city of Pakistan is:
- Multan
- Faisalabad
- Karachi
- Lahore
- b