- A Football League Tournament
- A group of Island in Atlantic Ocean
- A group of Eight Universities in USA
- A group of Eight Universities in USA
- c
Brown University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Dartmouth University
Harvard University
University of Pennsylvania
Princeton University
Yale University
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
Which of the following died of Natural Death?
- Indira Gandhi
- Rajiv Gandhi
- Mahatma Gandhi
- None of these
- d
Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister of India and daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru. She was killed by her Sikh bodyguard Satwant Singh.
Rajiv Gandhi was killed was Prime Minister of India and son of Indira Gandhi. He was killed in a Suicide Bomb Attack.
Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) was killed by Hindu Fanatic Nathu Ram.
How many satellites (moon) of Saturn Planet?
- 36
- 42
- 48
- 62
- d
Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System.
Its distance from sun is 1434 Billion Km.
What is the freezing point of heavy water?
- 0.82 C
- 2.82 C
- 1.82 C
- 3.82 C
- d
Boiling Point of Heavy Water is 101.4 C.
A mass of ice originating in mountains in snowfields above the snowline is called?
- Glaciers
- Mountain River
- Lakes and Water Falls
- None of these
- a
The biggest Glacier in the World is Lambert Fisher Glacier.
What is Kremlin?
- Building in Japan used for theatre
- Offices of Sri Lankan Government
- Offices of Russian Government
- None of these
- C
Kremlin is a fortified complex in Moscow. Its also called the heart of the city.
In which year European rulers captured Palestine from the Muslims in Crusade War?
- 1095
- 1099
- 1000
- 1150
- B
Diego Garcia is a:
- French surface to Sea Missile
- Famous Airline of Singapore
- Disputed Island between Russian and Japan
- United States military base in Indian Ocean territory
- D
Diego Garcia is an Island.
Its area is 30 KM2
What are the two seas linked by Suez Canal?
- The Black Sea and Baltic Sea
- The Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea
- The Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
- The Black Sea and South China Sea
- C
The length of Mediterranean Sea is 2300 Miles (Approx).
The length of Red Sea is 2250 Km.
What is diameter of Earth?
- 12756 KM
- 12756 KM
- 13756 KM
- 14765 KM
- B
The Radius of the Earth is 6371 KM.
The Diameter of Sun is 14 Lakh Km although the radius is 7 Lakh Km.
The Diameter of Moon is 1/4th of Earth.
The Diameter of Moon is 3475 Km and the radius is 1737.1 Km.