- Adjective
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Verb
- a
Any word that is consist of quality of any person, thing or place is called Adjective.
Punjab Police Department
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An “Above Board” person means:
- Wise
- Cruel
- Dishonest
- Trustworthy
- d
Above Board term is also used for Honest, Fair, Strait and Etc.
Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
- Nursary
- Electricity
- Library
- None of these
- a
The correct word is “Nursery”.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever is a famous verse by:
- Wordsworth
- Keats
- Byron
- Shelly
- b
A thing of beautiful Joy is a poem of Jhon Keats.
Jhon Keats was a Romentic English Poet.
The horseman pulled the ….of the horse.
- Rains
- Reigns
- Reins
- Ranes
- c
گھوڑے والے نے گھوڑے کی لگام کھینچ لی۔
She felt …..when went to stage.
- Worried
- Anxious
- Agitated
- Nervous
- d
جب وہ اسٹیج پر گیا تو اسے گھبراہٹ کا احساس ہوا۔
Common salt is also called:
- Sodium Chloride
- Ammonia Acid
- Sodium Potassium
- None of these
- a
NaCl is the Chemical Formula of Sodium Chloride.
Which of the following protects our body against disease?
- Sugar
- Platelets
- Red Blood Cells
- White Blood Cells
- d
WBC’s make more healthy and strong human immune system.
Which of the following is a man made material?
- Plastic
- Copper
- Granite
- None of these
- a
In 1862, Alexander Parkes introduced the world's first- ever man-made plastic,
Sunlight falling on our skin causes it to produce:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- d
Beef Liver, Cheese, Egg Folks, Fishes are best sources of Vitamin D.