- Lady
- Girl
- Maid
- Woman
- c
Man (Male Servant) ملازم
Maid ملازمہ
Sindh Police Department
What is masculine of “Bee”?
- Wasp
- Drone
- Fly
- Butterfly
- b
Bee شہد کی مکھی
Drone نر مکھی (مذکر)
What is singular of “Mice”?
- Mouse
- Muse
- Mose
- Mise
- a
Mouse چوہا
Mice چوہے(جمع)
What is plural of “Foot”?
- Foots
- Footes
- Feetes
- Feet
- d
What is feminine of “Washerman”?
- Wash lady
- Washerwoman
- Washer girl
- Washermaid
- b
Washerman دھوبی
Washerwoman دھوبن
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: (Suddenly), she raised her hand.
- Lately
- Slowly and Expectedly
- Thoughtfully
- Deliberately
- b
Gradually, Slowly, Unsuddenly, Steadily, Later are antonyms of “Suddenly”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: (Match) the given words as synonyms:
- Mismatch
- Dismatch
- Oppose
- Unmatch
- a
Mismatch, oddity, Conflict, Unlikeness are the antonyms of “Match”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: All Sunday are (holiday).
- Busy
- Working
- Duties
- Workdays
- d
Work, Workdays, Working Days are also antonyms of “Holiday”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: We are (faithful) citizens of Pakistan.
- Faithless
- Unfaithful
- Both A & B
- Disobedient
- c
Faithful وفادار
Unfaithful بے وفا
Faithless بے وفا
Faithful, Faithless, False, Disloyal, Distrustful are the antonyms of “Faithful”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: The first (one) has been done for you.
- Zero
- Nill
- All
- None
- a