- Wash lady
- Washerwoman
- Washer girl
- Washermaid
- b
Washerman دھوبی
Washerwoman دھوبن
STS SIBA Past Papers
All STS SIBA Testing Service (STS) Solved Current and Past Papers included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All STS Papers MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: (Suddenly), she raised her hand.
- Lately
- Slowly and Expectedly
- Thoughtfully
- Deliberately
- b
Gradually, Slowly, Unsuddenly, Steadily, Later are antonyms of “Suddenly”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: (Match) the given words as synonyms:
- Mismatch
- Dismatch
- Oppose
- Unmatch
- a
Mismatch, oddity, Conflict, Unlikeness are the antonyms of “Match”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: All Sunday are (holiday).
- Busy
- Working
- Duties
- Workdays
- d
Work, Workdays, Working Days are also antonyms of “Holiday”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: We are (faithful) citizens of Pakistan.
- Faithless
- Unfaithful
- Both A & B
- Disobedient
- c
Faithful وفادار
Unfaithful بے وفا
Faithless بے وفا
Faithful, Faithless, False, Disloyal, Distrustful are the antonyms of “Faithful”.
Find out the Antonyms of bracket words: The first (one) has been done for you.
- Zero
- Nill
- All
- None
- a
Which word does not belong with the others?
- Book
- Index
- Glossary
- Chapter
- a
Index, Glossary and Chapter are part of book.
Select the synonym of bracket words: First, we (gather) pieces of cloths.
- Join
- Collect
- Find
- Trace
- b
Gather جمع کرنا
Collect جمع کرنا
Collect, Assemble, Accumulate, Amass, Group are also synonyms of “Gather”.
Select the synonym of bracket words: There are twenty six (alphabet) in the English Language.
- Units
- Words
- Phrases
- Characters
- d
There is difference between letters and characters, letters are individual alphabets which are 26 but characters are included alphabets and phonetic variations and all others.
Letters examples are A B C d e F g
Character examples are A , B , c , D
Select the synonym of bracket words: Memna was a (soft) white lamb.
- Sippy
- Simple
- Smooth and pleasant
- Less hard
- c
Soft نرم
Smooth and Pleasant ہموار اور خوشگوار
Hushed, Gentle, Calm are also synonyms of “Soft”.