- Smuggling
- Sketches
- Drugs
- Indian Religion
- a
Sub Inspector (SI)
Sub Inspector (SI) Solved Current & Past Papers MCQs have uploaded in this section. All papers of Sub Inspector (SI) of All Departments of Pakistan i.e Police Department, Anti-Corruption Department, Federal Board of Revenue FBR, Anti-Narcotics Force ANF, Federal Investigation Agency FIA and etc are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
When was founded regional alliance, ASEAN of eight independent countries of South East Asia?
- 1965
- 1967
- 1969
- 1971
- b
ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
ASEAN consist of 10 member countries.
The Headquarter of ASEAN is located in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Founder of Wiki Leaks was Julian Assange, belonged to:
- Russia
- Australia
- India
- Spain
- b
Julian Assange was a Australian Editor & Publisher.
Julian Assange founded Wiki Leaks in 2006.
The famous book, “Neither a Hawk nor a Dove” is written by a Pakistani Politician. What is his name?
- Khurshid Qasoori
- Dr. Maliha Lodhi
- K.K Aziz
- Gohar Ayub
- a
“Neither a Hawk nor a Dove” book was written by Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri and originally published in 2015.
The famous place “Makli” in Sindh is a:
- Park
- Fortress
- Museum
- Graveyard
- d
Makli is a one of the largest funeral site, located in Makli, District Thatta, Sindh.
This site consist of 10 Km area near Thatta.
Antalya Airport is situated in:
- Syria
- Italy
- Egypt
- Turkey
- d
The construction of Antalya Airport was started in 1996 and became operational in 1998.
Antalya is city name of Turkey.
The Earth and Heaven are created by Allah in:
- 6 days
- 7 days
- 8 days
- 9 days
- a
This Verse is mention in Quran Surah Aaraaf Verse No 54.
A speed of 14 meters per second is the same as:
- 40.4km/h
- 50.4km/h
- 52.2km/h
- None of these
- b
A number is as much greater than 36 as is less than 86. Find the number?
- 61
- 62
- 63
- 64
- a
x-36 = 86-xx+x = 86+362x = 122x = 122/2 = 61
Fill in the blanks: “There has been a fall…..prices”.
- on
- in
- with
- to
- b
"قیمتوں میں کمی ہوئی ہے