- Directory
- Domain
- Protocol
- a
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
- Joint Photographic Experts Group
- Joint Photo Export Group
- Joint Photo Exporter Group
- None of these
- a
JPEG is a standard image format. The JPEG format was created in 1992.
- Inter Processing
- Internet Parameter
- Internet Protocol
- None of these
- c
IP address is an numeric number issued to every device which is connected to network. It shows the address of the location address of server.
- Font
- Typography
- Points
- Typeface
- a
The smallest font size in MS-Word is 8 and biggest size is 72.
- Hyper-Text Markup Language
- Hyper Text Mixing Language
- Hyper Text Manual Language
- None of these
- a
First developed by Tim Berners Lee. It is used to create Electronic Documents on WWW.
- Chart Area
- Chart Grid
- Legend Area
- Plot Grid
- a
- Japan
- London
- China
- Canada
- b
London is odd one because London is city and both three others are countries.
- With a period
- With a colon
- With a space
- With a comma
- a