- Smile
- Touch
- Taste
- Hear
- a
Touch, Taste and Hear are related to Sensual (Hawaas E Khamsa) but Smile is different.
The age of Sohail , Afzal and Bilal are 17,16 and 12 respectively, if the age of Aslam also included the average of the ages increases by 5. What is the age of Aslam?
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- c
Average formula = (A+B+C)/03
45/3=15 Years (Average Age)
15+5=20 Years (Average after 05 Years increase)
Suppose, Aslam Age = XAverage formula = (A+B+C)/03
45/3=15 Years (Average Age)
15+5=20 Years (Average after 05 Years increase)
Suppose, Aslam Age = X
Average of All are= (17+16+12+X)/4=20
45+ X=80
X=80-45=35Average of All are= (17+16+12+X)/4=20
45+ X=80
4 + 4-4*4/4=?
- 4
- 8
- 12
- b
The largest Opium producer province of Afghanistan is:
- Helmand
- Herat
- Paktia
- Nangarhar
- a
World Cup Football tournament 2010 was held in:
- England
- South Africa
- Spain
- Italy
- b
Spain won the 2010 Football World Cup.
What is meant by “Petticoat Government”?
- A government runs by a women
- A government runs by Military
- A government runs by Actual Powers
- None of these
- a
Naxalite Movement is a pro-communism movement started in:
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- India
- Bhutan
- c
It was founded in Calcutta, India in 1969.
Its also called Nexal Movement.
Order of Cloud and Banner is the most prestigious military award of:
- China
- South Korea
- India
- a
Highest Military Award of India is “Param Vir Chakra”.
Highest Military Award of USA is “The Medal of Honor”
Highest Military Award of South Korea is “ The Grand Order of Mugunghwa”
The King of Afghanistan was:
- Sardar Daud Khan
- Muhammad Zahir Shah
- Amanullah Khan
- Habibullah Khan
- b
Muhammad Zahir Shah was last King of Afghanistan.
His reign duration was 1933 to 1973.
The world’s oldest Parliament, founded in the year 930 AD is:
- British Parliament
- Alpingi of Iceland
- Diet of Japan
- Cortes of Spain
- b
Alpingi is the National Parliament of Iceland.