- 1960
- 1965
- 1970
- 1975
- a
This agreement was signed on 19th September 1960 between Pakistan and India.
It was water conflict.
World Bank was guarantor in this agreement.
Shortcut key Ctrl + O is used to:
- Open file
- New file
- Close file
- None of these
- a
Ctrl + O shortcut key is used to open a saved file.
Ctrl + N shortcut key is used to create a new file.
Ctrl + X is used to cut a file.
How many ways to save a file?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- d
Ctrl + S
Click on the Save Icon in Title Bar.
Click on the Office button to save the file.
What is function of F12 functional key?
- Save
- Save As
- Print Preview
- c
Which shortcut key is used to increase the font size?
- Ctrl + Shift + <
- Ctrl + Shift + >
- Ctrl + Shift + }
- Ctrl + Shift + [
- b
The shortcut key to decrease the font size is Ctrl + Shift + <.
Which of the following shortcut key is used for print preview?
- Ctrl + F2
- Ctrl + F3
- Ctrl + F4
- None of these
- a
The shortcut key to print a document is Ctrl + P.
Blue coloration of skin due to deficiency of Oxygen is called:
- Paral Morits
- Cyanosis
- Synchronization
- None of these
- b
Sudden numbness and weakness of face, limbs on one side of the body are signs and symptoms of:
- Epilepsy
- Heart Attack
- Brain Stroke
- d
There are two main reasons of Brain Stroke, which are:
A blocked artery
Leaking or bursting of blood vessel
Compression and Ventilation ratio during CPR of adult patient?
- 02 : 30
- 30 : 02
- 32 : 04
- 35 : 10
- b
CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
Urdu Newspaper Daily Nawa-i-Waqt was launched on:
- 23rd March 1947
- 23rd March 1940
- 23rd March 1945
- 23rd March 1949
- b
Hameed Nizami was the founder of Nawa-I-Waqt.