- 100
- 104
- 96
- 342
- c
There are reserved 23 seats for Punjab, 23 for Sindh, 23 for KPK, 23 for Balochistan and 04 for Federal Territory.
General Seats 58
Technocrats 17
Women 17
Non-Muslims 04
Which is the largest gland in human body?
- Thyroid
- Liver
- Pancreas
- Pituitary
- b
The smallest gland in human body is Pineal Gland.
Abu Ul Ambiya is the title of:
- Shoaib (A.S)
- Ibrahim (A.S)
- Noah (A.S)
- Ishaq (A.S)
- b
The title of Noah (A.S) is Abu Al-Bashar E Sani.
The title of Shoaib (A.S) is Khateeb Ul Ambiya.
The title of Ismael (A.S) is Zabeeh Ullah.
Balochistan became province in which year?
- 1947
- 1965
- 1970
- 1971
- c
Largest Dam of Pakistan is:
- Terbela Dam
- Mangla Dam
- Warsak Dam
- None of these
- a
Terbella Dam is world’s largest earth- filled Dam in the world.
It is built in Sawabi District of KPK along river Indus.
It was built in 1968-76.
Which continent is known as Dark Continent?
- Vatican
- Indonesia
- Europe
- Africa
- d
Africa is called Dark Continent because it was discovered after a long time.
Zakat became obligation in which Hijri?
- 1ST
- 2ND
- 3RD
- 4TH
- b
Zakat , Roza and Jihad became obligation in 2nd Hijri.
There are 8 heads of Zakat.
What was real name of Imam Bukhari?
- Muhammad Bin Ismael
- Muhammad Ibn Ismael
- Ismael Muhammad
- Muhammad Bukhari
- b
He was born on 20th July 810 in Bukhara Uzbekistan and died on 1st September 870 in Ismoli Uzbekistan.
What was the old name of Taiwan?
- Japan
- Formosa
- Mongolia
- None of these
- b
Formosa name was changed to Taiwan in 1895.
Choose the odd one out:
- Guava
- Mango
- Watermelon
- Apple
- c
گووا، آم، سیب تمام درختوں پر لگتے ہیں ماسوائے تربوز۔