- Egypt
- Ghana
- Niger
- None of these
- b
Angela Markel is the head of which city ?
- German
- France
- Britain
- Italy
- a
What is value of X, if 3X – 15 – 6=?
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- a
3 X -15-6=?
The average weight of 8 persons increased by 2.5 Kg when one of them whos weight is 56 Kg replaced by a new man. The weight of the new man is:
- 76
- 78
- 80
- 85
- a
Earth Completes one rotation on its Axis :
- 23 Hours 30 Minutes
- 23 Hours 56 Minutes and 4.09 Second
- 24 Hours
- 24 Hours 1 Minute and 10 Seconds
- b
Which of the following countries recently allowed the women to drive a car alone?
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Iran
- a
Which Anti-Militant Operation was started in Pakistan in 2017?
- Zarb E Azab
- Radd Ul Fisad
- Zarb E Islam
- Zarb E Momin
- b
Who is the first visually impaired UN-Pakgate?
- Ayesha Farooqi
- Saima Saleem
- Sadia Saleem
- Hina Rabbani
- b
Pakistan first commercial court inaugurated in:
- Peshawar
- Lahore
- Hyderabad
- Karachi
- b
Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Gulzar Ahmed inagurated the first commercial court on 5th June 2021.
Who is the Pakistani appointed as KFC global CEO?
- Sabir Sami
- Haider Hassan
- Talat Kashaf
- Arif Anis
- a