- of
- for
- over
- by
- a
مجھے اس پر قلم چوری کرنے کا شبہ ہے۔
How do you feel …..their coming?
- about
- on
- in
- of
- b
آپ ان کے آنے پر کیسا محسوس کرتے ہیں؟
The idiom “To catch a tarter” means:
- To deal with wrong person
- To Catch a dangerous person
- To meet disaster
- None of these
- b
The idiom “Kick the bucket” means:
- To Die
- To Kill
- To achieve a goal
- To be Successful
- a
The idiom “Once a blue moon” means:
- Rapidly
- Rarely
- Often
- Slowly
- b
Synonym of Incredulous is:
- Dishonest
- Unreliable
- Honest
- Reliable
- b
Incredulous ناقابل یقین
Unreliable ناقابل اعتماد
Synonym of Vituperate is:
- Appreciate
- Abuse
- Copy
- Encourage
- b
Vituperate بدتمیز
Abuse بدسلوکی
MS Power Point is an example of:
- Graphics Software
- Multimedia Software
- Entertainment Software
- Spread Sheet
- a
MS Power Point is basically Presentation Software.
It was first time developed by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin on 20th April 1987.
Latest Version of MS Excel is:
- Offline 365
- Excel 2015
- Excel 2016
- Excel 2019
- d
MS Excel 2019 was released on 24th September 2018 in USA.
MS Excel 2019 was released on 1st October 2018 in UK / EU.
MS Excel 2019 was released on 6th October 2018 in India.
What displays the content of active cells?
- Row Headings
- Formula Bar
- Name Box
- None of these
- b
The content of active cell is shown in “ Formula Bar”.