- Forensic
- Foranzic
- Forenzic
- None of these
- a
Forensic سائنسی تجزیہ
Choose the correct spelling:
- Salubrus
- Salubreous
- Salubrious
- Salubras
- c
Salubrious خوشگوار
Which religious scholar tried to eradicate different innovations from the religion?
- Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri
- Molana Tariq Jamil
- Haji Shariat Ullah
- None of these
- c
Haji Shariat Ullah started Faraizi Tehreek in 1818 and eded up on 1862.
Rehmat Ali suggested name of Pakistan on 28th January:
- 1933
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- a
Chaudhary Rehmat Ali suggested the name of “Pakistan” in a Pamphlet “Now or Never” on 28th January 1933.
East Pakistan became an independent entity in:
- December 15, 1971
- December 16, 1971
- December 17, 1971
- None of these
- b
Bangladesh celebrated Independence day on 26th March every year.
One Unit Bill was brought into effect in:
- 1955
- 1971
- 1980
- None of these
- a
One Unit Bill was passed on 30th September 1955 and implemented in Pakistan on 14th October 1955.
When 1956 Constitution was adopted?
- 23rd March 1955
- 23rd March 1956
- 23rd March 1954
- None of these
- b
First Constitution of Pakistan was passed on 29th February 1956 by Assembly.
How many points were presented by Quaid E Azam In response to Nehru Report?
- 13 Points
- 14th Points
- 15th Points
- None of these
- b
Nehru Report was represented on 28th August 1928.
Quaid E Azam presented 14 points on 31st March 1929.
When day of deliverance was observed?
- 22nd December 1959
- 22nd December 1949
- 22nd December 1939
- None of these
- C
Lord Linithgow ordered the Congress for resignation on 22nd October 1939.
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah announced for “Day of Deliverance” on 22nd December 1939.
When first Marshal Law was imposed?
- 7th October 1968
- 7th October 1958
- 7th October 1948
- None of these
- b
Iskandar Mirza declared first Martial law in Pakistan.
There are imposed three Martial Law in Pakistan from 1947 to 2021.