- Planet
- Asteroid
- Star
- Meteor
- c
There are Eight planets in Solar System which are Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
What is lifespan of Red Blood Cells?
- 120 days
- 60 days
- 30 days
- 15 days
- a
The lifespan of White Blodd Cells is 9-12 days.
What is unit of Charge?
- Volt
- Ohm
- Columb
- Ampere
- C
Ohm is unit of Electric Resistance.
Milk consist of Water:
- 60%
- 70%
- 80%
- 87%
- d
Milk consist of 87% water and 13% Solids.
Deficiency of Vitamin D is result of:
- Osteomalacia
- Rickets
- Both A & B
- Scurvey
- c
Deficiency of Vitamin A became causes of Night Blindness.
Deficiency of Vitamin C became causes of Scurvey.
CNG stands for:
- Convened Natural Gas
- Conduced Natural Gas
- Compressed Natural Gas
- Conducted Natural Gas
- c
CNG invented first time in 1930s.
Maximum Quantity of CNG is used in Iran.
The lenses which are used in Camera are called:
- Convex Lens
- Concave Lens
- Condenser Lens
- None of these
- a
Convex Lens are used in Microscope.
What is Unit of Electric Current?
- Columb
- Ampere
- Joule
- Watt
- b
Columb is a unit of Charge.
Joule is unit of Work.
Meteorology is the study of:
- Winds and Clouds
- Atmosphere
- Air and Sound
- None of these
- b
It is considered that Meteorology was introduced in 350 BC by Aristotle.
The good sources of Vitamin A are:
- Seeds
- Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
- Green Leefy Vegetables
- None of these
- c
The source of Vitamin C are Fresh Vegetables and Fruits.
The good Sources of Iodine is Sea Foods.
The good source of Vitamin B-Complex are Seeds.