- Decagon
- Octagon
- Hexagon
- All of the above
- b
Polygon with five sides is called Pentagon.
Polygon with six sided is called Hexagon.
Polygon with 10 sides is called Decagon.
WWW stands for:
- World War Wide
- World Wide Web
- Wide Web World
- None of these
- b
www was invented by Tim Berners Lee in 1989.
Sugar is made by:
- Sugarcane
- Maiz
- Wheat
- Rice
- a
Pakistan and China signed border agreement in which year?
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- c
This agreement of border was signed between Pakistan and China on 2nd March 1963.
Sindh Literacy Board was set up in which year?
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- a
Sindhi Literacy Board was setup in Jamshoro in 1955.
What is antonym of Clear?
- Unclear
- Vague
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
Clear صاف
Unclear غیر واضح
Vague مبہم
Quaid E Azam Trophy is related to:
- Badminton
- Football
- Cricket
- Hockey
- c
Quaid E Azam Trophy is domestic first class Cricket tournament.
It was played first time in 1953- 1954.
In 1945-46 Election, Muslim League won majority seats in both provinces which are:
- Punjab and Sindh
- Bengal and Sindh
- Punjab and Bengal
- None of these
- b
Second Khilafat meeting was held in 1919 in:
- Lukhnow
- Bombay
- Dehli
- Amartasar
- d
In 1937 Election, Muslim League won…..seats out of 482 reserves for Muslims.
- 106
- 104
- 102
- 100
- a